2021 is finally here and you may have already come up with your New Year’s resolutions but did you choose any that deal with your home? I combed the internet and put together my own list of home improvement resolutions.
home improvement
Local Love: The Rusty Bucket and The Aluminum Company of North Carolina
As Christmas is quickly approaching, I wanted to highlight two of my favorite companies that I have made purchases from lately – The Rusty Bucket and The Aluminum Company of North Carolina.
Fountain Fail? Aquatic Gardens Can Help
A fountain, koi pond, or water feature at a home can be absolutely gorgeous and add value to your house, but only if it is done right.
Deck Yeah: Tips From Our Friend and Local Lender, Jean
We recently talked with our good friend Jean who is part of The Hedges Team at Southern Trust Mortgage about adding a deck to your home. If you’re looking to liven up your backyard, here are some things to consider.